Oxford Bookstore Book Cover Prize 2024 shortlist announced

Kolkata, Feb 11 (IANS) Alka Pande, Priti Paul, Kunal Basu and Anja Riedeberger have announced the seven shortlisted titles on the second day of 15th Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival (AKLF).
The shortlisted book covers include ‘The Book Beautiful’ designed by Bhavi Mehta, ‘The Penguin Book of Indian Poets’ designed by Ahlawat Gunjan, ‘Azad Nagar’ designed by Saurav Das, ‘The Adornment of Gods’ designed by Saurabh Garge, ‘Not Quite a Disaster after All’ designed by Amit Malhotra, ‘When Indian Flowers Bloomed in Europe’ designed by Sashi Bhushan Prasad, ‘Mystics and Sceptics’ designed by Bonita Vaz Shimray.
The list was chosen by a jury comprising author Kunal Basu, novelist Shobhaa De, art curator Alka Pande, MP and author Shashi Tharoor, and Priti Paul from Apeejay Surrendra Group.
Guest Jurors -- Director, Institut français in India and Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Action, French Embassy in India, Emmanuel Lebrun- Damiens and Director Information Services South Asia Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Anja Riedeberger, were also announced at the event.
In its first year, Bena Sareen was awarded the prize for the book, ‘Talking of Justice’ by late author, Leila Seth, published by Aleph.
Established in 1919, Oxford Bookstore is one of the oldest heritage bookstores in the country. It is India’s only bookstore to curate multiple literary festivals like Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival, Apeejay Bangla Sahitya Utsob, and Hindi Sahitya Utsav.