Effective Onion Remedies to Keep Mosquitoes and Flies Away

As the weather changes, many households face an increase in mosquito and fly activity. This article explores a viral onion remedy that promises to effectively repel these pests. By using simple ingredients like mustard oil, camphor, and cloves, you can create a natural solution that is both cost-effective and easy to implement. Learn how to prepare and use this remedy to enjoy a mosquito-free environment in your home. Additionally, discover other natural methods to keep these insects at bay, ensuring a peaceful and comfortable living space.

Natural Solutions for Mosquito Control

Effective Onion Remedies to Keep Mosquitoes and Flies Away

As the weather shifts, many households are experiencing an uptick in mosquito and fly activity. A popular remedy circulating on social media involves using onions, which may help alleviate this nuisance. Let’s explore how to effectively repel these pests.

Mosquitoes are particularly bothersome, often disrupting our sleep and increasing the risk of viral infections. Their presence can be so overwhelming that many people resort to using mosquito nets, which are not always effective against these persistent insects.

If you’re exhausted from trying various chemical repellents without success, consider this simple and cost-effective hack. For just 5 rupees, you can create a natural solution to fend off mosquitoes and flies. Let’s find out how!

Ingredients Needed

Effective Onion Remedies to Keep Mosquitoes and Flies Away

  • 1 Onion
  • Mustard oil
  • Camphor
  • Cloves
  • Cotton wick

DIY Mosquito Repellent

To create your mosquito repellent, start by peeling the onion and cutting off the top. Hollow out the center to form a small lamp. Fill it with 1 teaspoon of mustard oil, add 3-4 camphor tablets, and a few cloves. Finally, insert a cotton wick into the mixture.

Using the Onion Remedy

Ignite the wick in your onion lamp to release smoke that will deter mosquitoes. Position it safely on a steel or porcelain plate within the room. As the smoke disperses, it will drive away mosquitoes and flies. For larger spaces, consider placing multiple lamps to maximize effectiveness.

Additional Methods to Repel Mosquitoes

  • Combine garlic with camphor on a plate and light it to create smoke that repels mosquitoes.
  • Burn dried neem leaves along with camphor and cloves for an effective mosquito deterrent.

Image Credit: Canva

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