Heal Your Gut and Ease Your Reflux: The 5 Best Foods for Managing Acid Reflux

Just as certain foods can trigger acid reflux, others can soothe the condition. "But in general, we encourage people to eat less acidic foods." Foods that have a high pH are low in acid. Generally, the pH of foods is not listed on the label, so it can be difficult to determine. Both Feller and Berrochem recommend the following options:

Heal Your Gut and Ease Your Reflux: The 5 Best Foods for Managing Acid Reflux

Just as certain foods can trigger acid reflux, others can soothe the condition. "But in general, we encourage people to eat less acidic foods." Foods that have a high pH are low in acid. Generally, the pH of foods is not listed on the label, so it can be difficult to determine. Both Feller and Berrochem recommend the following options:
Heal Your Gut and Ease Your Reflux: The 5 Best Foods for Managing Acid Reflux

1. Oatmeal
These fiber-rich snack foods can coat the sensitive lining of the esophagus, Barochem says, and are not irritating to most people. Try these make-ahead cinnamon-roll overnight oats for a healthy and cool acid-reflux-free breakfast all week long.

2. Aloe vera
This plant doesn't just soothe sunburn—it can also soothe your gastrointestinal system. Preliminary research suggests that aloe vera may reduce acid reflux symptoms, according to a 2022 review in the journal Nutrients. Look for 100% aloe vera juice without any additives or anthraquinones (an organic compound in aloe that can be a laxative). Blend aloe vera juice with cucumber, spinach and celery for a drinkable solution, suggests Feller.

3. Fennel
Feller says this spicy-sweet vegetable can help with digestion. He adds that fennel tea "has a wonderful flavor and can generally be consumed daily," and that fennel bulbs can be cooked with lentils and other root vegetables or eaten raw with green vegetables. Check out these healthy fennel recipes for inspiration.

4. Watermelon
Many fruits are acidic, such as oranges, cranberries, kiwis, and pomegranates. But melons, including cantaloupe and honeydew, are not, which means they're good bets for people with acid reflux. Have a few pieces for breakfast or lunch.

5. Bananas
Another stomach-settling fruit, bananas—especially ripe ones—have a high pH. You can always eat them plain, add them to your oatmeal for a twice as good option, or try baking with them in these Baked Banana-Nut Oatmeal Cups.

What to do if you have acid reflux
Heal Your Gut and Ease Your Reflux: The 5 Best Foods for Managing Acid Reflux

If you think you have acid reflux, see your doctor for an official evaluation, as the symptoms you're experiencing could be the result of ulcers or other conditions, such as heart disease, says Srivastava. If you really have acid reflux, lifestyle changes are your best bet to combat it, Srivastava says. This is because prescription drugs used to treat acid reflux can cause pneumonia, hip and spine fractures, etc. Diff (a potentially fatal bacterial infection), comes with a range of side effects, including risk of vitamin malabsorption and osteoporosis progression. They say certain medications can also be linked to dementia.

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