
When Barack Obama used to hear Ramayana-Mahabharata and learned how to make lentils and mince from PAK friends

Former US President Barack Obama said that he used to recite stories of Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata during his childhood years in Indonesia, so he always has a special place for India in his mind. Obama has written about his fascination for India in his book, A Promised Land. He said, “Maybe it is

Former US President Barack Obama said that he used to recite stories of Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata during his childhood years in Indonesia, so he always has a special place for India in his mind. Obama has written about his fascination for India in his book, A Promised Land.

He said, “Maybe it is his (India) size (which attracts), where one-sixth of the world’s population lives, where about two thousand different ethnic communities live and where more than seven hundred languages ​​are spoken. She goes.

Obama said that he had visited India as President in 2010 and that he had never visited India before. He said, “But this country has always had a special place in my imagination”. Obama said, “One of the reasons for this may be that I spent some part of my childhood in Indonesia listening to the stories of the Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, or maybe the reason for my interest in Eastern religions or because of my college There is a group of Pakistani and Indian friends,

In ‘A Promised Land’ Obama details his journey from the 2008 election campaign to the campaign to kill Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad (Pakistan) at the end of his first term as president. The second part of this book will also come.