
What to teach children, how to make good children?

Parents often do not understand what effect their behavior is having on children. The things or behaviors that are normal for parents affect their children very deeply, even they change the future of children, so it is very important for parents to understand how they treat children. Behave. You would probably be surprised to know

Parents often do not understand what effect their behavior is having on children. The things or behaviors that are normal for parents affect their children very deeply, even they change the future of children, so it is very important for parents to understand how they treat children. Behave.

You would probably be surprised to know that what I could not focus on becoming a father due to being involved in a career career, eight years ago when I first became a grandfather, I started focusing on that subject and I It didn’t take long to understand how clumsy I was. Like most Indians, my ignorance about parenting was also very deep.

Various scientific researches have proved that if your child lies to you again and again, it means that you over-scold the child’s mischief.

What are the reasons for lack of self confidence in a child? | What are the reasons for lack of self confidence in the child,
If there is a lack of self-confidence in the child, it is because instead of encouraging you, you keep criticizing or preaching the child for his shortcomings. If your child is not upbeat, the reason is that you start helping him in every task without need and do not give him a chance to work on his own.

Similarly, if your child gets angry very quickly, the reason is that you immediately tell him about his bad behavior, or get upset but do not praise the good he does, and Let’s assume that it was his duty to do this.

If there is a lot of jealousy in your child, then the reason is that you give him admiration only when he successfully completes a work, but if he is not successful in the work but gets better than before, then you are encouraged Forget to increase.

Suppose that the child has passed the examination, then you feed him sweets, but if his numbers come only 15 percent and he fails, then he gets scolded. Even then something is fine, but if he failed in the next year too, but this time he had worked a lot more and his number has gone up to 25 percent, what should you do? In such a situation, you should tell the child that you failed again for the second time, or you should say that Shabas, you have increased the number by 10 percent, working hard and showing up next year. Think about this with me a little deeper.

Self-confidence makes such a difference that life itself changes.
The treatment that is being done to the child is from the mother, from the father, from any other family member or the teacher of the child, it will directly affect the future of the child, so Great care is required in this case.

What the school and college are teaching is employment education, get a job, become an entrepreneur, have a good income. It is not related to a life that has health, respect, success and happiness, so as parents we should also know the things that improve or deteriorate our generations.

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When I was younger, my mother would take me to the kitchen with her every day, and show me that she had soaked the beans in the night before cooking, ginger, onion, garlic, etc. to make the vegetables, peeled and chopped, spice powder . My mother used to show me doing all that and explain how hard the food that we finished after eating it in fifteen minutes. The grain squeezes the farmer’s blood to reach us. The farmer works hard day and night, plows the fields, plants the seeds, gives water, composts, cleans the weeds, guards the crops, harvests the crops. It takes months, then the crop is ready. She also said that the food we eat, the father’s earnings and mother’s love are hidden. Can not ruin it.

My mother taught me to respect food and food. Before eating food, thanking the farmer, thanking parents and thanking God was part of our routine, even today.

My mother explained to me the importance of hard work. The result was that I was never ashamed of any kind of work. Nothing in the world is small for me.
My mother taught me to respect the family, which means that we should not do any work that will make a difference in family pride. He taught me that lying under any condition is a bad thing, it gave me moral courage to tell the truth, to tell the truth in every situation and to accept my mistakes. He taught me respect for life. I can afford money, not life. I will never run a car in such a way that an accident happens and my life is lost.