
Ladies! Are you aware about Skin Fasting

Everyone wants to look beautiful. The beauty industry is one of the fastest-growing industry in today’s world. There are so many beauty products available for each skin type an issue. But mostly every product is full of harmful chemicals which is not at all good for our skin. Even there are chemicals to some extent

Everyone wants to look beautiful. The beauty industry is one of the fastest-growing industry in today’s world. There are so many beauty products available for each skin type an issue. But mostly every product is full of harmful chemicals which is not at all good for our skin. Even there are chemicals to some extent in natural products. However, many people are trying to give away using these products no matter for a short period of time only just to give their skin some rest and this is known as Skin fasting.

Allowing Your Skin To Heal And Rejuvenate-

It is a new trend where you go cosmetic freeway for glowing skin. This way Is just to cut down on products that you use on your skin or stop using it. Well, the idea behind doing is to give your skin a little rest. If you wanna follow this trend then you have to stop using all skincare products for a while for your skin to have a break from all this and take time to repair and rejuvenate itself. Well, it has believed that most of the skin products take away the skin’s natural barrier also takes away its ability to heal itself. So when you will stop using products this way you detox your skin and heal it.

The Right Way To Go About It- Cutting down all the skin care products at one time is also not good. So it is advised to do it slowly and in a sensible manner. Don’t just hurry up and make a drastic change which will not good for you. Like it’s important to clean your skin regularly with a cleanser to remove the sweat, dirt, bacteria and pollution from the skin. So instead of giving away all the cleanser you can use one which is gentle. This way you’re practising skin fasting.

Skin Diet Is A Better Option Than Skin Fast-

It is believed that any change in a complete drastic way is not at all good so its better to take things slowly and cut down on things rather than completely banning them. Most of use a lot of skin care products which is actually not good and can cause problems like eczema and rashes. Well, if breathing is important for you to live then even your skin needs to breath too. And using products every time can suffocate your skin and make it look dull. So, if you want your skin glowing then stop using these products. No, not cut them all but use when necessary and use which is really important instead of getting everything and using everything.