
The Dangers of High Pillows: 5 Health Risks You Should Know

A mattress is often thought of as a comforting companion during sleep, providing support and comfort. However, the height of your pillow can quietly put your health at risk. While the right pillow can improve sleep quality, a pillow that is too high can lead to numerous health risks that go unnoticed.


A mattress is often thought of as a comforting companion during sleep, providing support and comfort. However, the height of your pillow can quietly put your health at risk. While the right pillow can improve sleep quality, a pillow that is too high can lead to numerous health risks that go unnoticed.

Health damage from using high mattresses
Here are the harmful effects of using a high pillow and highlight the importance of choosing the right pillow height for optimal health and well-being:

1. Misalignment of the neck and spine
One of the primary health risks associated with high mattresses is misalignment of the neck and spine. When you use a pillow that is too high, it can cause your neck to flex or extend too much during sleep, hindering the natural curve of the spine. This misalignment can lead to neck stiffness, muscle strain, and chronic pain over time. Furthermore, it can interfere with proper circulation and nerve function, resulting in numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms and hands.

2. Shortness of breath
Sleeping with a high pillow can increase breathing difficulties, especially for individuals prone to snoring or sleep apnea. An elevated head position can restrict the airway, leading to episodes of snoring, wheezing, or interrupted breathing during sleep. Over time, this can contribute to poor sleep quality, daytime fatigue, and an increased risk of cardiovascular problems. By choosing a lower pillow height, you can promote better airflow and reduce the chance of respiratory problems during sleep.

3. Pressure points and discomfort
High mattresses can create excessive pressure points, especially in the neck, shoulders and upper back. When your head is too high, it can compress the soft tissues and nerves in these areas, causing discomfort, numbness, and even headaches. This pressure can also restrict blood flow to the muscles, leading to stiffness and decreased mobility upon waking. Choosing a pillow with a low loft allows for better weight distribution and less pressure on sensitive areas, promoting a more restful and pain-free sleep experience.

4. Effect on posture
Continuous use of a high pillow can have long-term consequences for your posture and musculoskeletal health. The stress placed on the neck and spine during sleep can gradually change your natural alignment, leading to postural deviations such as forward head posture or rounded shoulders. These changes not only affect your appearance but also increase the risk of chronic neck and back problems. By choosing a pillow that maintains the natural curve of your spine, you can reduce the negative effects of posture and support overall spine health.

5. Choosing the right pillow height
Choosing the right pillow height is essential to promote optimal sleep quality and protect your health. Ideally, your pillow should maintain a neutral position for your head, neck and spine, so they can align naturally without excessive twisting or bending. Side sleepers may benefit from a higher loft to fill the gap between the shoulders and head, while back and stomach sleepers generally need a lower loft to prevent stress on the neck and spine.