
Summer Survival Guide: Breathe Easy with These Asthma Management Tips

Don't let asthma dampen your summer dreams! With a little knowledge and preparation, you can enjoy every moment of the sunny season while keeping your asthma under control. Here are some tips to manage summer asthma.

Don't let asthma dampen your summer dreams! With a little knowledge and preparation, you can enjoy every moment of the sunny season while keeping your asthma under control. Here are some tips to manage summer asthma. As temperatures rise and the sun shines brightly, summer beckons us to step outside and embrace the joys of the season. However, for people with asthma, this season can present unique challenges in managing their respiratory health. But fear not! With the right knowledge and a few expert tips, you can confidently navigate summer with asthma symptoms at bay. Let's take a look at some tips to manage summer asthma and what can trigger it.

1. Pollen: In individuals with allergic asthma, excessive amounts of pollen from weeds, trees, and grasses can trigger an allergic reaction. This can lead to asthma symptoms including coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.

2. Air Pollution: Due to variables including high vehicular emissions and ground-level ozone production, air pollution often increases during the summer season. Air pollution can exacerbate airway symptoms in people with asthma.

3. Heat and physical activity: The increased rate of breathing that comes with hot temperatures can exacerbate asthma symptoms.

4. Outdoor Activities: Outdoor activities such as gardening, hiking and camping in the summer can expose people to various triggers such as pollen, mold and air pollution.

Tips to manage summer asthma

1. Avoid going out during peak heat and dust storms

During hot and dusty weather, it is advisable for individuals with asthma to stay indoors as much as possible. "High heat and dust storms can irritate the airways and trigger asthma symptoms," Dr. Kishore says. If going outside is necessary, try to limit exposure by scheduling outdoor activities during cooler hours of the day, such as early morning or late evening.

2. Use a moist cloth around the nose and mouth
Dr. Consider using a wet cloth to cover your nose and mouth if you have to go outside during the hottest heat or dust storms, Kishore advises. This can help filter out some of the irritants present in the air, providing a barrier between your airways and potential triggers.

3. Avoid desert coolers in the room
Dr. According to Kishore, desert coolers, commonly known as husk coolers, can be a source of mold and dust accumulation. These allergens can make asthma symptoms worse. It is recommended to use air conditioning or other cooling methods that do not rely on evaporative cooling to maintain a comfortable indoor environment.

4. Use the inhaler prescribed by your doctor
Consistent use of a prescribed inhaler is important to control asthma symptoms. During the summer, when triggers are more prevalent, sticking to your medication regimen becomes even more important. Inhalers help reduce inflammation and keep the airways open, reducing the risk of an asthma attack.