
Say Goodbye to Foot Odor: Effective Tips and Products for Summer Foot Care

The season brings with it pleasant sunny days. However, it is impossible to avoid the summer heat, which causes a lot of inconvenience due to one's sweating. If we wear socks, our feet smell bad due to excessive perspiration. This is due to the retention of moisture on the feet, which leads to the growth of bacteria and causes bad odor. So, to get rid of that bad smell, follow the tips below.


The season brings with it pleasant sunny days. However, it is impossible to avoid the summer heat, which causes a lot of inconvenience due to one's sweating. If we wear socks, our feet smell bad due to excessive perspiration. This is due to the retention of moisture on the feet, which leads to the growth of bacteria and causes bad odor. So, to get rid of that bad smell, follow the tips below.

Wear sandals/slippers

During summer, it is better to wear sandals to prevent foot odor. Sandals will provide much-needed air to your feet and soles while keeping odor at bay. Remember to avoid footwear made of plastic, as it can cause sweating.

Change socks frequently

Wearing socks for long periods of time gives room for bacteria to grow and moisture to accumulate due to perspiration, which causes odor. So, avoid wearing the pair for 2 to 3 days, and change them daily. Regularly wearing clean socks will keep your feet fresh.

Keep your feet clean

In summer, make foot hygiene a priority. So, whenever you return home from work or school, the first thing you should do is clean your feet. Feet should be washed thoroughly with soap and water. Keep your feet moisturized, especially between toes and toenails trimmed.

Check for fungal infections

Check your toenails, soles and fingers regularly for any fungal infections. If you notice white patches, consider seeing a dermatologist.

Use an anti-fungal powder

You can use anti-fungal powder to protect your feet from infection. It can also be applied before you put on socks, to keep odors at bay. After consulting a dermatologist, you can get this powder from any medical store.