
Say Goodbye to Backaches: 3 Easy and Energizing Spine Exercises for a Healthy Back

Have you ever felt like your back is longing for a good stretch, longing to release the accumulated tension from everyday activities? Well, don't worry! We have just the solution for you. Get ready for a spine-tingling adventure as we take you through some exciting and relaxing exercises. So, let's take a look at 3 expert-recommended spine exercises that can be done at home.


Have you ever felt like your back is longing for a good stretch, longing to release the accumulated tension from everyday activities? Well, don't worry! We have just the solution for you. Get ready for a spine-tingling adventure as we take you through some exciting and relaxing exercises. So, let's take a look at 3 expert-recommended spine exercises that can be done at home.

A healthy and flexible spine is important for maintaining proper posture, preventing back pain and improving overall mobility. By incorporating specific exercises into your fitness routine, you can effectively open your spine, increase its flexibility, and promote better spinal health. Engaging in exercises that specifically target the spine can significantly increase its mobility.

Spine exercises you can do at home

1. Back Extension/

Back extension exercises primarily target the lower back muscles, promoting extension and flexibility in the lumbar spine.

How to do it:

1. Lie face down on the mat, with legs extended and arms resting alongside your body.
2. Engage your core and glutes to lift your chest off the ground while keeping your neck in a neutral position.
3. Hold the lifted position for a few seconds, then lower your upper body back down.
4. Repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions, gradually improving your back strength.

2. Spine twist knees

The spine twist kneeling exercise helps improve rotational mobility in the thoracic spine, increases spinal flexibility and releases tension in the upper back.

How to do it:

1. Begin by kneeling on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees aligned with your hips.
2. Place one hand behind your head, with your elbow pointing out to the side.
3. Without allowing your hips to twist, slowly rotate your torso and reach the elbows behind your head to the opposite side.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
5. Perform 8 to 10 repetitions on each side, focusing on maintaining proper alignment throughout the movement.

3. Spine twist with roll

The Spine Twist with Roll exercise targets the mobility of the entire spine, especially the mid and lower parts, while also engaging the core muscles.

How to do it:

1. Sit on the mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
2. With your arms extended in front of you, hold a small foam roller or towel between your hands.
3. Slowly roll your torso to one side while keeping your hips and lower body still.
4. Return to the center and then twist to the other side.
5. Repeat the movement for 10 to 12 repetitions, focusing on rotation and keeping the spine tall.