Labor-Boosting Workout: 5 Exercises to Help Kickstart the Delivery Process

Pregnant and nearing your due date but dreading labor pains? Try these exercises to stimulate labor and let baby deliver more easily. 
"Labor-Boosting Workout: 10 Exercises to Help Kickstart the Delivery Process"

Pregnant and nearing your due date but dreading labor pains? Try these exercises to stimulate labor and let baby deliver more easily.  This article lists 5 exercises that are safe for natural induction. You will also learn when to exercise and what safety precautions to take to induce labor. Read ahead!

5 Exercises to Induce Labor Naturally

1. Walking and curb walking
Walking and curb walking

Walking is a low-impact exercise that's easy on your joints and lower body, as well as exercise that stimulates oxytocin from the nucleus tractus solitarius, which can stimulate the nipple.

2. Pelvic circles on a ball

This exercise works as a relaxation technique that can help reduce back pain and strengthen your core. It helps mom relax. Additionally, this motion can irritate your cervix, which can result in contractions.

3. Cat and cow

Cat and cow poses help to position the baby in the best position for birth. It also stretches and strengthens the spine and reduces tension.


Come to the mat on your hands and knees with elbows directly under shoulders and knees under hips. Keep your spine and neck in the same line and back flat.
Inhale, arch your spine and look up.
Exhale, pull the belly in and look down. Keep your shoulders down.
Do this 10-15 times.

4. Supported deep squat or deadlift

Malsan (or deep squat from yoga) is a traditional birthing pose. It helps to open the pelvic joints and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. It is the best pose for labor but requires a very high level of flexibility in the hips and spine.

5. Lean forward

Forward-leaning pose is another introductory exercise for you and your baby. It helps in providing more room for the baby to move around and get in the best position for birth and the onset of labour. You can use either a chair or an exercise ball.