
Here Are 5 Signs Of Cancer In Men And Women That Are Often Ignored

Cancer is a formidable opponent, often presenting itself in subtle ways that are easily overlooked. While some symptoms may seem benign, it is important to pay attention to the changes in our body. Here are the most overlooked symptoms of cancer in both women and men.


Cancer is a formidable opponent, often presenting itself in subtle ways that are easily overlooked. While some symptoms may seem benign, it is important to pay attention to the changes in our body. Here are the most overlooked symptoms of cancer in both women and men.

rash on the body
Skin rashes are not always benign and can be a symptom of certain cancers. Skin changes, especially persistent rashes that do not respond to typical treatment, should be investigated by a healthcare professional. Skin manifestations can sometimes be an external reflection of internal health problems, including cancer, Cancer Research UK said.

Sore throat
Persistent sore throat or discomfort, which is often overlooked as a symptom of a common cold or seasonal flu, may be associated with throat or esophageal cancer. A study published by researchers at the Dental School of Universidad Banderente revealed that sore throat is the most common symptom of oral cancer.

Regular sore throats that persist beyond the normal period require medical attention to rule out possible underlying problems.

Changes in bowel or bladder habits
Changes in bowel or bladder habits are often overlooked or attributed to changes in diet. However, according to a study published in the United European Journal of Gastroenterology, persistent changes such as blood in the stool or urine can be indicative of colorectal or bladder cancer. Ignoring these signs can delay diagnosis and treatment.

eye pain
Eye pain is usually associated with eye strain or minor irritation. However, according to Cancer Research UK, persistent or severe eye pain can be a sign of eye cancer or other serious conditions. It is important not to dismiss eye discomfort and to consult an eye care professional if the pain persists.

Constant fatigue
Fatigue is a common symptom in our fast-paced lives, but persistent, unexplained fatigue can be a subtle indicator of an underlying health problem, including cancer. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of cancer, and can persist years after treatment is completed, according to a study published in Nature Reviews: Clinical Oncology.