
From Your Pantry to Your Gut: 5 Simple Home Remedies to Kick Diarrhea to the Curb

If there's one condition that can slow us down or interfere with our daily activities, it's an unexpected case of diarrhea. Diarrhea can be caused by bacteria, viruses, drugs, food or various digestive problems. It is often the body's reaction to disturbances in the gastrointestinal system.

If there's one condition that can slow us down or interfere with our daily activities, it's an unexpected case of diarrhea. Diarrhea can be caused by bacteria, viruses, drugs, food or various digestive problems. It is often the body's reaction to disturbances in the gastrointestinal system. When you have diarrhea, your bowel movements or stools become loose or watery, usually requiring frequent and urgent trips to the bathroom. Along with this, you may also experience additional symptoms including bloating, fever, dehydration, disorientation and abdominal cramps. So, if you are facing this condition and wondering how to treat diarrhea, get ready to find some solutions here.

Home Remedies to Treat Diarrhea
Despite how common the problem is, most of us are easily embarrassed by it and avoid discussing it openly and seeking help. However, we're sure you've heard a lot about how eating bananas can help you control diarrhea. Well, this is a home remedy for diarrhea. We have listed five most effective home remedies to prevent this problem.

1. Buttermilk and buttermilk
Buttermilk and buttermilk are considered effective remedies for diarrhoea. Due to their abundance of healthy bacteria, they help settle the digestive system and ease discomfort. Whey is the liquid component of yogurt, and whey is made by curdling the curd after skimming off the fat. Dr. Gole recommends taking any of these in moderate doses at frequent intervals.

2. Raw bananas
As part of a diarrheal diet, an exquisitely crisp, raw banana is often prescribed. Dr. Gole says, “Cut the raw banana into three pieces and softened in a pressure cooker with enough water to cover the banana. Drain off any excess water. Peel the pulp and then mash it well. A small number of poppy seeds should be roasted in a pan until brown, then ground to a fine powder. Add some salt and this powder to the banana mush.” The astringent properties of this recipe prevent diarrhea. It is delicious and healthy.

3. Pomegranate
Dried pomegranate peel is an effective remedy for diarrhea. Make a fine powder of pomegranate peel and eat 1 gram twice a day. You can also take it with buttermilk to reduce the frequency of bowel movements.

4. Ginger and honey
Eat some honey with a pinch of finely grated ginger. After that, wait 10 minutes before drinking water. Ginger can cure diarrhea and other symptoms like vomiting, and stomach cramps.

5. Cumin water
Make a powder of roasted cumin and grind it finely. Mix this in a glass of water with a piece of candy sugar. Drinking this is also beneficial in diarrhoea.