
Pre-Wedding Prep: 5 Game-Changing Diet and Skincare Tweaks for Radiant Bridal Beauty

Every bride enjoys being the center of attention on her wedding day! A common desire is to look and feel the best in the moment. Months can be spent trying to find the perfect outfits, accessories and decorating ideas to make sure everything is just right. But just a few skincare mistakes a few days before D-Day can lead to a ruined face!

Every bride enjoys being the center of attention on her wedding day! A common desire is to look and feel the best in the moment. Months can be spent trying to find the perfect outfits, accessories and decorating ideas to make sure everything is just right. But just a few skincare mistakes a few days before D-Day can lead to a ruined face! Yes, if you're thinking of trying different diet and skincare ingredients and creams a week before your wedding, it might not be the wisest thing to do. So, here are some pre-wedding diet and skincare tips.

5 Avoid changes in diet before marriage

1. Clears juice
Juice cleanses are technically very low in calories. So, indulging in such a diet can really throw you off and make you irritable.

2. Skipping meals
Starving yourself all day just to lose weight or look slimmer is never worth it. Losing weight is a gradual process that takes months.

3. Following a fad diet
We all feel the need to limit ourselves to the fad diets we see on social media or the internet in order to lose those last few stubborn pounds. However, this diet does not nourish the body and deprives you of adequate energy.

4. Try new foods
Experimenting with new foods in the days leading up to your wedding is strictly prohibited. You may have an upset stomach or an allergic reaction.

5. Cut out carbohydrates or fat from your diet
This can be done as a desperate weight loss measure. Instead, you should eat moderate portions of complex carbohydrates and moderate amounts of healthy fats.

5 Pre-Wedding Skincare Changes to Avoid

1. Trying a new treatment

There are chemical peels, micro-needling and many other treatments, which can be tempting to try before marriage to get rid of pigmentation or acne scars. However, everyone's skin reacts differently. It is not advisable to undergo these treatments as the recovery time is difficult to predict. Instead, one should consult a dermatologist who can recommend a treatment that fits the timeline and still gives your skin the flawless glow you seek.

2. Changing up your skincare routine
As part of your pre-wedding skincare routine, you may be tempted to try new skin care products. Women do this because the stress and constant rush to adjust can cause a lot of anxiety. However, you never know how your skin might react to those new products. So, it is better to avoid such changes.

3. Over-exfoliating the skin
While exfoliation is recommended to get rid of dirt and other bacteria that may settle on your skin, repeatedly exfoliating your skin can do more harm than good.

4. Not using sunscreen
Forgetting to use sunscreen can cause your skin to tan, or even burn if you're out in the sun for too long. Therefore, a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30 must be used.

5. Squeezing your pimples
Popping your pimples can leave some horrible scars. Hence, resist the urge to pop your pimples and let them heal on their own.