
5 easy ways to steer back to positivity! : Follow these five simple steps to reduce Pandemic Stress

We are all facing a lot of problems but, humans are flexible. We have adapted very well with what the world has been going through. Yet – there are like a hundred times we get frustrated with this whole pandemic lockdown thing. Well, that’s very human! But then, stretched spans of disappointment and frustration can

We are all facing a lot of problems but, humans are flexible. We have adapted very well with what the world has been going through. Yet – there are like a hundred times we get frustrated with this whole pandemic lockdown thing. Well, that’s very human! But then, stretched spans of disappointment and frustration can hamper our lives in more ways than one can imagine of! Here are a few ways by which you can alleviate your lockdown frustration –

Reduce gadget time:
Steer your time away from that unhealthy exposure to gadgets. I know, from classes, to meetings, to what not – the day begins on your laptop and ends on it. This time not just for office employees alone but students as well! Hence, causing a lot of eye stress from the continuous gaping at screens all day.
While you cannot altogether cease it, its important to take a break from it, every now and then.

Start a new activity:
Consider gardening or cooking maybe, these sensory activities are an escape for the over-burdened brain. What’s better than seeing a life grow or a lip smacking dish being relished by your family? This also helps in relaxing an anxious – overthinking mind!

Reintegrate an old hobby:
Restore one of your old hobbies, or one that was kept on halt for way too long. Singing, dancing, painting, the list goes on. This is a very good method for a psychosomatic relief. Your mind has a happy response on physically doing things that you once cherished.

Incorporate Positive Thinking:
Identify all the triggers that build negativity in your mind. Address them. Have a one on one confrontation with them. Don’t just ignore/dodge any of your negative feelings. Be upfront while facing them by devising solutions and applying them. When times are tough, one can always seek for external help. The world is full of helping hands!

Reduce Social Media Time:
Social Media platforms these days are about 3 things : Narcissism, Sensationalism and ‘Pointless Memeism’. So, if these virtual unverified things are affecting you in such ways that make you feel demoralized, sensitive, drained and all the other words with negative connotations – It’s high time to reduce your visits. Rather, visit your real life more. Real life is beautiful and can be a lot less stressful if you relax!