Land of the Midnight Sun: 7 Places Where Day Never Ends

Svalbard, Norway: Land of Eternal Daylight

Experience the midnight sun between late April and August in this Arctic wilderness.

Tromsø, Norway: Gateway to Arctic Brilliance

From late May to mid-July, witness the sun's unending glow in this Arctic city.

Reykjavik, Iceland: Capital of Continuous Light

Enjoy extended daylight hours during Reykjavik's summer months.

Utqiaġvik, Alaska, USA: America's Northern Sun Haven

Experience the midnight sun between August and September in the northernmost US city.

Fairbanks, Alaska, USA: Where Night Becomes Day

Witness the sun's continuous presence during summer solstice nights.

Kiruna, Sweden: Lapland's Luminescent Gem

From late May to mid-July, explore Lapland's wonders under the midnight sun.

Murmansk, Russia: Arctic City of Endless Sunlight

Discover Soviet-era architecture under the midnight sun from late May to mid-July.

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